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Saturday, October 10, 2015

You can handle our apples!

First graders have finally wrapped up their first major investigation of the year. What better topic to start off with than apples?

We started our investigation by doing a bit of apple tasting and looking at the parts of an apple. We did some experiments to see if apples floated or not and what items were more or less weight than an apple, wrote apple poems, and looked at the life cycle of an apple and an apple tree. We've really enjoyed doing this project.

We finished our apple investigation by making homemade applesauce (YUMMY!) and making giant apples and writing adjectives about them. These kiddos sure have learned a lot about apples and practiced being scientists at the same time!

Here are some highlights of our apple investigation.

We have moved our science focus to animals now and what better way to stay in that unit theme than by doing an investigation on an animal. I'll give you a hint on what spooky animal we will be starting this week. 

This is a unique type of mammal

As its webbed wings mean that it can fly
They can find their way using echoes
For flying in both caves and the sky

Think you have it? Well keep a look out for updates on this project. We aren't waiting til the end to post about this one! Check out the photos page for updated links to some more recent photos and to check out all the photos from this investigation!

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